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great job with level design and visuals! just a feedback for the beginning, i know it's dark on purpose, but sometimes it's kind of hard to know where to go next


Hey Lucas, thanks for your comment! (Sou brasileiro também kkkkkkk)

Thanks for your reply man! I'll see if I can do something to make it easier for the player to find their light (if you know what I mean hahaha). By the way, I played Samsara and had a great time!

Wow, that's a lot of content you have here! Love the art style and colors. It's surprisingly uplifting considering the topic. 

I recorded some of my playthrough and can upload it if you're interested (my solution to the puzzle with the 3 buttons will probably bring tears to your eyes, I'm pretty sure! :D)

I encountered one bug that required a restart. The first time with the portals, I managed to grab 2 of them and while ducking with 2, it managed to teleport me into the ground where I got stuck.

I think I was close to the end, but I had to call it early. I might jump back in tomorrow to see the end. :)


Hey KANAMedia, thanks for your comment! And thanks again for the compliments, I'd love to see your playthrough! About the bug, thanks for let me know, I will find a way to fix it.

I'm suspicious to say but I really think you should see the end hahaha, let me know if you do. If any more bug show up fell free to report them.
